Here are the nutrients that should be in your prenatal vitamin

For the proper development of a baby, proper nutrition is vital. As the needs of a baby are supported by the mother, it is important to have certain nutrients during your pregnancy and have a healthy diet. In the last few decades with the changes in the field of obstetrics and nutrition, the recommendation for prenatal nutrition has increased. Prenatal vitamins are recommended for ladies who are pregnant or hoping to get pregnant. Prenatal vitamins have a higher amount of nutrients as compared to the standard multivitamins.

In the early weeks of pregnancy itself, you should talk to your doctor about the number of vitamins to take as it was important for the development of the baby. Make sure to have vitamins that are able to fill your needs right. Listed below are some of the essential vitamins that you should see before getting any prenatal supplements:


Having electrolytes is super important as less amount of sodium has resulted in low birth weights, reduction in the production of milk, high blood pressures, and other severe complications. It is said that women should have less intake of sodium but it should not decrease a lot. Electrolytes help to maintain the balance of fluid in the body and regulate the blood pressure with the baby.

Folic Acid and Folate 

Folic acids are helpful in avoiding brain abnormalities and spinal cord problems. It is recommended that pregnant women should have 400 micrograms of folic acid on a daily basis during their pregnancy. Folic acid can also be found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, citrus fruits, etc. The initial 28 days are the most important days to have folic acid in the right amounts.


The role of iron is very important in the formation and support of the placenta that helps prepare a baby well in a mother’s body. Iron is essential for the development of a baby as it helps prevent anaemia too. As red blood cells are necessary for the baby to get oxygen, iron intake daily should be 27 micrograms.

Vitamin B Complex 

Vitamin B complex plays a keen role for pregnant women. They are majorly helpful with pregnancy symptoms and decrease in risk of defects during the time of birth. To have a healthy pregnancy it is recommended to have a healthy diet of B vitamins. All of the 8 B vitamins are important for the health and strength of the development of the baby.

Choline Bitartrate 

Recently the importance of choline during pregnancy has been recognized. Choline bitartrate is essential to build physiological processes and metabolic processes during the prenatal period. It also helps in the development of tissue, membranes, gene expression, and brain development. For pregnant women 450 micrograms a day is recommended.

Vitamin A 

Vitamin A is a crucial nutrient during pregnancy and the baby. It helps to build the baby functionally and provides the baby with fetal organs and a fetal skeleton. It is recommended for the maintenance of the maternal night vision and immune system mainly. In a study, it was found that lack of vitamin A can lead to malformations of the fetus leading to pathological changes.


To get your baby strong bones and teeth, calcium is crucial to have in your diet. Calcium also helps babies in developing healthy hearts, nerves, and muscles. And it was also found that it has helped to reduce hypertension in preeclampsia in pregnant women. Top sources of calcium include milk and other dairy products. It is recommended to talk to your doctor and know about the required amounts of calcium for your prenatal vitamin.

Vitamin C

For a healthy immune system of the baby, vitamin c is advised to take. The role of vitamin c is to help the baby build collagens for the development of tendons, bones, and skin. The best source of vitamin C is citrus fruits. Having a good amount of vitamin C in your diet can also help you in repairing tissues, healing wounds, and have healthy skin.

Vitamin E

Broccoli and olive oil are great sources of vitamin E whose role is to protect the cell membranes from damage. It promotes the structural development of cells throughout your body. Vitamin E is advised to be taken during pregnancy as it is beneficial in reducing the risks of asthma and other respiratory issues in your baby in their later life.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is required for everyone in the family. It helps to absorb the calcium and phosphate in the right amounts into the body. For babies, it is necessary as it helps the baby to develop kidneys, heart, and nervous system.

It is recommended to have prenatal vitamins throughout the pregnancy period and even after then pregnancy if they are breastfeeding the baby. Make sure to ask your doctor about the number of vitamins you can take as per your health history as higher doses of vitamins might cause a problem too.

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