Your guide to the third trimester of pregnancy

A pregnant woman can experience both physical and emotional challenges during the third trimester. After the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby is considered full-term, which means it is only a matter of time before the baby is born. You can reduce anxiety during the final stages of your pregnancy if you research what to expect during the third trimester.


How long is the third trimester?

In the third trimester of your pregnancy, you will be in weeks 29 through 40, which are months 7, 8, and 9. It is during this trimester when your baby grows, develops, and begins changing positions as it prepares for birth. Your pregnancy has reached the home stretch now that you have reached the third trimester.


What happens in the third trimester?

When your baby reaches the end of the third trimester, he or she typically weighs between 6 and 9 pounds and measures between 19 and 21 inches long. During week 36 of your pregnancy, the baby’s head should begin moving into your pelvic area, also known as lightning. For the last two weeks of your pregnancy, the baby will stay in a down-facing position.


It is during this period that your baby’s brain is developing, his lungs and kidneys are maturing, he gains muscle tone and 16% body fat. He has soft skull bones that make delivery easier. As soon as a baby is born, its eyes will remain blue, and it will remain that colour for a few days or weeks. The nails on the toes and fingers reach the ends of their fingers. If it’s a boy, his testes have descended into the scrotum.


What changes can you expect in this trimester?

Abdominal aches

Aches and discomfort in your abdomen as your baby grows can cause you to feel uncomfortable. You may have trouble getting comfortable in bed at night. You may even find it hard to breathe deeply.


Varicose veins

As a result of all of the extra blood pumping through your lower body during pregnancy, you may notice these bulging veins (including haemorrhoids, which are varicose veins). Fortunately, they’ll probably disappear after you deliver, if you didn’t have them before.


Weight gain

Throughout this trimester, you can expect to gain around 8 to 10 pounds. Towards the end of your ninth month, even if you lose a few pounds, it’s perfectly normal.


Back pain

With your growing belly pulling your centre of gravity forward, your pregnancy hormone relaxing loosens your joints, giving you an achy back — another reason to put your feet up (Sharp, shooting pain down your leg may be the sign of sciatica, on the other hand.)

The other possible things you may experience are breast enlargement and leaking, vivid dreams, clumsiness or laziness, frequent urination, constipation or heartburn.


What can you do during this trimester?

During this trimester it is important to count your baby’s kicks regularly and note any changes in activity, especially in the ninth month. Keeping track of your weight is also important as it will accelerate at the beginning of the third trimester and slow down as your due date approaches. You may lose a few pounds by the end of the third trimester.

Getting educated about the whole process by taking a childbirth class may work in your favour. You can learn about things like breastfeeding and the different stages of labor before your baby comes kicking in!

Take your car seat in for professional installation before you bring your baby home from the hospital. Ensure that you have the necessary baby gear – especially a crib, stroller, car seat, changing table, and monitor.


How to stay healthy during the third trimester?

To take care of yourself and your developing baby, it’s important to know what to do and what not to do during pregnancy.

Here’s what you can do to stay healthy:

  • Eat fruits, vegetables, low-fat sources of protein, and fiber
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take prenatal vitamins
  • Stay active unless you experience swelling or pain
  • Keep your teeth and gums healthy by walking and eating enough calories (about 300 more calories than normal per day) 
  • Get enough rest and sleep by staying active


Your doctor may suggest some tests, medications, or vaccines during your pregnancy. Please consult them if you experience any discomfort. Please follow every instruction sincerely. I hope this article on pregnancy by trimester gives you a good idea of what to expect during this trimester!

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